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Do Bathrooms Have to Match Throughout the House?

Do Bathrooms Have to Match Throughout the House

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Homeowners looking for renovation ideas often ask our opinion, and we’re happy to give it! Kansas City Bathroom Remodeling industry experience and the latest scoop on bathroom renovation trends, so we’re definitely a reliable source for design information that will give you a gorgeous, modern bathroom!

When homeowners begin a Kansas City bathroom remodel, they often only think about the big picture – the major things they want to change. With our help, you can choose every element of your new bathrooms design.

We’re often asked, Should my bathroom match? That can mean a few different things, so let’s answer that question in separate sections.

Should bathrooms throughout your home match on another?

Absolutely not! Unless you want them to.

If you like a nautical theme in the guest bathroom, but an ultra-modern look for the master, go for it! A kid’s bathroom needs to be functional and appealing to little ones, while an adults-only bathroom is open for more sophisticated, slightly less practical design elements.

There’s no rule that every bathroom in your home has to be the same color or be decorated in the same style. However, if you like a similar style throughout, it’s probably a classic style that will be beautiful in any bathroom.

We encourage customers to think about what they really like, not just their basic needs for the given space. Then we can work with their dreams to design one or several beautiful bathrooms in any style!

Do hardware and fixtures have to be the same metal?

Not necessarily, but it does look more cohesive.

Keeping the same type of metal throughout is something most renovators do without thinking, but you can definitely shake things up for a more eclectic bathroom style.

If you’re going to “mix metals,” choose some cool and some warm colors so that it’s evident you weren’t going for an exact match. Examples of cool metals include nickel and chrome, while warm metals include gold, copper, or even brass – a 1980s trend that’s back and bigger than ever.

Kansas City Bathroom Remodeling can offer suggestions for fixtures and hardware that complement each other rather than competing for attention.

Should my bathroom fixtures be the same color?

Generally, we say yes.

The toilet, tub, and sink are the three anchor points of your bathroom, so to make the room as visually appealing as possible, we do recommend that you choose matching colors and finishes for these three appliances.

While there is a time to mix and match elements in the bathroom, we typically say this isn’t it. By matching these things, you’ll have more freedom to mix and match tile, wall color, vanity, décor, hardware, and fixtures. As an added bonus, these things are easier and less expensive to change than a sink, tub, or toilet.

The best Kansas City bathroom remodeling  companies can assist you with any construction or renovation project that you have on deck. In addition, we can give you helpful professional advice to design a well-designed bathroom that you’ll be happy with for years to come.

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Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum

Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum

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